coming to school.

The typical term-time school week begins on a Sunday morning and ends on a Thursday afternoon. Fridays and Saturdays are weekend days off.
Please be aware that is the responsibility of parents to ensure their children arrive safely at the school grounds at the beginning of the school day and likewise are safely collected from the school grounds at the end of the day or after activities.
- The school day begins at 7:30 am
- The main gate is open from 7:00 am
- The side gate is open from 7:10 am to 7:30 am
- Nursery & Reception children must be accompanied by a parent, recognised driver or nanny, or by a sibling of secondary age, and are to be dropped off at the main door of the EYFS building.
- Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) Children are to enter the school via the side gate and go directly to the sports hall during hot weather. During cooler months, they will stay in the playground until 7:30 am. Staff will be on hand to assist.
- Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) Children are to enter the school via the front gate and go directly to the sports hall during hot weather. During cooler months, they will stay in the playground until 7:30 am. Staff will be on hand to assist.
- The school day ends at 2:10 pm, except for Nursery, which ends at 12:00 noon.
- The side gate is open from 12:00 am to 12:10 pm and 2:10 pm to 2:30 pm.
- Nursery children must be collected from the outside door of their classroom at 12:00noon. Reception children must be collected from the outside door of their classroom at 2:10 pm. If collecting a child/ren in EYFS/KS1 and KS2 you must collect the younger child and walk around the building to the main entrance to go and collect the KS2 child.
- Years 1 & 2 children must be collected at 2.10 pm. One adult per child will enter the school via the side gate and pick up the children from the primary playground. If collecting a child/ren in EYFS/KS1 and KS2 you must collect the younger child and walk around the building to the main entrance to go and collect the KS2 child.
- Years 3 & 4 children must be collected at 2.10 pm. One adult per child will enter via the front gate and proceed to the primary playground. Children will be waiting at the sign-posted pick-up point and will be released to the supervising adults as they are identified. If collecting a child/ren in EYFS/KS1 you must collect the younger child and walk around the building to the main entrance to go and collect the KS2 child.
- Year 5 & 6 children must be collected at 2.10 pm. One adult per child will enter via the front gate and proceed to the secondary playground. Children will be waiting under the shaded area and will be released to the supervising adults as they are identified. If collecting a child/ren in EYFS/KS1 you must collect the younger child and walk around the building to the main entrance to go and collect the KS2 child.
Secondary School
- Secondary students should leave school immediately at 2:10 pm unless they are attending an after school activity.
Primary School
If a child has to leave school before the end of the school day, the person collecting the child should:
- Provide ID to security at the main gate and receive a visitor’s pass.
- Report to the school office the reason for early collection. Emailing primaryadmin@parkhouseschool.com and their class teacher in advance is preferable. The Receptionist will arrange for the child to be brought to the school office.
- Wait for a member of the office staff to sign the child out and provide an early leaver’s pass.
- Go to security at the main gate, hand in the early leaver’s pass and visitor’s pass, receive ID and exit with the child.
Secondary School
- Parents should email secondaryadmin@parkhouseschool.com and the student’s form tutor, preferably 24 hours in advance stating the reason for early dismissal.
- Students will need to get a signed green authorisation slip from the admin office prior to their collection time. This can be picked up from the admin office at the start of the day or at break times. This slip can then be shown to their class teacher at the time they need to leave.
- Students can then report to the reception where they will be signed out and given an early leaver’s pass.
- The student must hand in the early leaver’s pass at security at the main gate before being allowed to leave the campus.
Please do not make an arrangement directly with your child without informing the school. We cannot allow students to leave the premises without notification from their parents as this is a safeguarding concern.
- Our Nursery intake is staggered, with a specific starting date for each child at the beginning of the year, to allow each child enough time to settle.
- Nursery school starting time is the same as for the rest of the school, with the doors opening at 7:10 am. Nursery finishes at 12:00 pm when the Nursery side gate will be open until 12:10 pm for collection.
- Reception school starting time is the same as for the rest of the school.
- Reception finishes at 2:10 pm. Children are to be collected from outside their classrooms.