curriculum allows
students to fulfil
their potential and
face the future with

In EYFS we follow England’s, Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (Nursery and Reception) and England’s National Curriculum for the Primary years (Years 1-6) both are tailored with the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) and the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) to meet the needs of our international community.
At Park House English School the curriculum is carefully planned to ensure that it is relevant to the backgrounds and experiences of our international student body. We take PRiDE in the academic development of our students as well as their core skills development. Our teachers consistently provide high-quality lessons that allow students to fully engage with their learning. This ensures that our students persevere, even when they find it challenging, which further develops their independence. We encourage all our students, even those in our EYFS, to take responsibility for their education and dedicate themselves to wanting to achieve and be successful. This results in our students wanting to do well and being proud of themselves and their achievements.
EYFS comprises two year groups: Nursery – FS1(ages 3-4) and Reception – FS2 (ages 4-5)
Key Stage 1 comprises two year groups: Year 1 (ages 5-6) and Year 2 (ages 6-7)
Key Stage 2 comprises four year groups:Year 3 (ages 7-8), Year 4 (ages 8-9), Year 5 (ages 9-10) and Year 6 (ages 10-11).
Objectives for English and Maths are taken from The National Curriculum for England and the EYFS framework. Our enquiry-based approach to delivering the curriculum incorporates the Learning Goals of the International Primary/Early Years Curriculum which includes Science, History, Geography, Art, Design Technology, and Health and Well-being; and is designed to allow students to fulfil their potential and face the future with confidence. Added to this is our adapted version of Jigsaw, which is our Personal Social Health Education programme.
Students also have access to specialist teaching to further enhance the learning opportunities we provide. Physical Education, Music, Spanish and French or Arabic, Islamic Computing and Qatar History are all taught by specialist teachers. Extra-curricular activities further extend the learning opportunities for our students.
Throughout our school, we place an emphasis on teachers and parents working in partnership to address the individual needs of each child. We actively encourage parents to be involved in their child’s education. We also have a strong Parent School Association (PSA) that organises a number of events each year in which parents can also be involved.
Click on the buttons below to learn more about each subject’s curriculum.