The Secondary School curriculum at Park House English School is a planned three-year programme based on the National Curriculum of England.
KEY STAGE 3 comprises three year groups: Year 7 (ages 11-12), Year 8 (ages 12-13) and Year 9 (ages 13-14).
It builds on the work covered in Key Stage 2 and prepares students for progression to Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) where IGCSE courses are followed in a wide range of subjects. In Years 12 and 13 students will work towards AS/A2 levels.
A wide range of subjects are offered in the first three years of Secondary School. All students take English, Mathematics, Science, Art, French, Spanish or Arabic, Music, History, Geography, ICT and P.E. In Years 7, 8 and 9 there are three tutor groups with 24 students in each. Most classes are mixed ability, and boys and girls are taught together except in P.E. In Year 9, students are grouped according to ability in English and Mathematics.
All students in Key Stage 3 have an additional one-hour English skills lesson each week, building up spelling, punctuation, grammar and other essential skills which are central to success across the whole curriculum.
KEY STAGE 4 comprises two-year groups: Year 10 (ages 14-15) and Year 11 (ages 15-16).
The IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) examinations are set and assessed in the UK and acknowledged by colleges and universities worldwide. All students work towards IGCSE examinations during Years 10 and 11 with most taking the examinations in Year 11. However, a small number of students may take Mathematics earlier; they will then follow an extended programme of study in Year 11.
The first small group of IGCSE candidates took examinations in 2007 with 90% gaining grades A* – C. Examination results in recent years have also been excellent.
All students take the following subjects:
- English Language
- English Literature
- Mathematics
- Arabic/Spanish/French
- All students will also take a choice of two or three of the following:
- Physics
- Biology
- Chemistry
In addition, students choose three or four other subjects from the following:
- Art
- Business Studies
- Computer Science
- Economics
- Geography
- History
- Music
- P.E.
- Sociology
All students will take general P.E. lessons. Students will receive advice on the most appropriate subjects to choose and there will be ample time for consultation with parents before subject choices are finalised.
Sixth Form
The ‘Sixth Form’ at Park House aims to equip our young people with good study habits and the skills needed for the wider world. A brand new ‘Sixth Form Centre’ provides a dedicated space which allows the Year 12 (ages 16-17) and Year 13 (ages 17-18) students their own area to study and relax. AS Level examinations are offered in Year 12 with students usually taking four subjects.
In Year 13, three subjects are studied for the A2 examinations. Students are offered guidance and support when applying to universities worldwide, with visiting speakers and visits to local universities providing up-to-date information. In addition to the academic curriculum, students are offered general P.E. and the opportunity to undertake a school or community service.
AS/A Level Subjects offered include:
- Arabic
- Art
- Biology
- Business Studies
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Economics
- English Language
- English Literature
- French
- Geography
- History
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Spanish
We also offer unique opportunities for secondary school students.